About Explore Scotland
In addition to the Explore Scotland web site, the company produces visitor guides that can be downloaded free of charge from the web site, plus a printed version of the visitor guides, focused on different areas of Scotland. The guides are targeted at visitors to Scotland proving detailed choices of places to visit and things to do, including many things that will not be found in other guides. They are distributed to accommodation providers for their guests and information points throughout Scotland. In addition to this core activity, the company produces newsletters for each area and visitor surveys. In brief we provide:
- Web site with free downloadable Explore area visitor guides for St Andrews,Stirling, The Trossachs, Highland Perthshire, Inverness and Loch Ness, Oban and Mull, Isles of Lewis and Harris.
- Printed Explore area visitor guides
- Local Tourism Newsletters
Other services
- Distribution
- Web hosting - design - promotion
The web sites specialise on the following areas of Scotland, Edinburgh, St Andrews, Stirling, The Trossachs, Oban, Highland Perthshire, Isle of Lewis & Harris and Inverness/Loch Ness with free downloadable Explore visitor guides for St Andrews, Stirling, The Trossachs, Oban and Mull,Highland Perthshire, Isles of Lewis and Harris and Inverness and Loch Ness.
The long-term objective is to expand the company in to the areas of Scotland not currently covered by the web site. If you are interested in learning more, please contact us.
Our company policy is to produce detailed visitor information on different areas of Scotland in an easy to use format, with images, information and maps. The information will include things to see and do, many of which are are not included in other free visitor brochures. The distribution of the information will be firstly through the Internet, and through the printed version of the Explore series of visitor guides that can be printed off the web site. The Explore visitor guides are distributed to each area's accommodation providers each year.
Each year we go round Scotland to check that all the information contained on this web site is accurate and up to date.
Disclaimer. Explore Scotland Ltd, makes every effort to maintain the accuracy of the information on this web site but can not take any responsibility for any loss or damage which may occur from use of the information. If you find anything which causes you concern please let us know.
We provide telephone numbers where ever possible. We recommend that you always double-check the information with the venue or host before committing yourselves.
Copy Right. These pages, photographs are copy right to Explore Scotland Ltd unless otherwise stated.
Explore Scotland Ltd,
The Coach House,
PH16 5LG
Tel: 01796 473335 Fax: 01796 472278